Members of The Berwick Camera Club had a most enjoyable evening when Ron McCombe was welcomed back to the club as the first speaker of the new season. Ron, a former member of the club now devotes his energies to running wildlife photography workshops, giving lectures and travel that takes him even beyond the UK to places like Sweden, Finland, Norway and even Mallorca where he captures beautiful, rare and interesting images.
He has just returned from Africa and is preparing his next lecture using pictures taken there but it was the wide range of his work that was enjoyed by a very well attended Tuesday evening meeting at Ord Village Hall. Over 300 pictures flitted across the screen as Ron explained the technique used to capture them. Pine Martins, Badgers, Otters, Kingfishers, Arctic Skuas from the North to Hoopee birds in the Mediterranean all were beautiful.
To see more of Ron's work visit his website.